Facade pro Smartphony
jeden z duvodu, tech nejvetsich, proc nemam Smarthone byl, ze byla spatna moznost upravy Today screenu. Zda se ale, ze i v tom se zacinaji dit zmeny, vice [odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
Tak to vypadá úplně super, hned se na to vrhnu, protože jestli to pojede tak jak ukazují na svých stránkách tak to bude dost dobrý průlom. To byla u smartu jedna z mála věcí která mě tam chyběla.
Před nedávnem jsem si všiml, že byla vydána další verze.
Ver 0.9.01, 07/27/2005
* Added support for Windows Mobile 2002 devices
* Support time localization (24 hour time)
* Initial support for QVGA devices
* Fix problem causing device to hang after switching to Facade and back again
* Fix problems with ActiveSync hanging and duplicating appointments
* Fix selected/unselected/heading format state processing
* Fix duplicate entry on multi-day appointment near end of list
* Fix left/right padding support for program launcher
* Fix missing adjacent recurring appointments
* Fix problem with tasks due today showing as overdue
* Fix problems which caused Facade to not update the appointment/task information
* Redesign schedule/task update notification
* Change formatting of schedule/task views to indent text
* Support format states in global section
* Support definitions within definitions
* Support x/y/w/h specifications for absolute positioning and size
* Support bgcolor (background color)
* Support bgimage (background image)
* Support fontWeight value "medium" and numeric font weights
* Shorten dates on past due tasks
* Show “…” when text won’t fit on the display
* Indent schedule/task information under date
* Add ShowPartialLines setting, allowing the bottom view row to be removed if it does not fit
* Add options for showing extra text in appointments view: ShowTodayText, ShowTomorrowText, ShowNoAppointmentsText
* Allow tab formatting to be controlled separately for each tab ( node)
* Allow view formatting to be controlled separately within each tab ( node)
* Support showing icon/label/both on tab (Show=)
* On button definitions, allow args= as synonym for arguments=
* Change default to not show completed tasks (ShowCompleted="0")
* Change default font size to new value "normal" (point size 9)
* Change default to "wrap around" screen edge when navigating left/right
Na první pohled se změnila velikost písma v základním nastavení a co je dobré konečně to podporuje 24 hodinový formát. Ostatně výčet všech vylepšení je podrobně vidět výše. Opravdu povedený projekt.
Ver 0.9.01, 07/27/2005
* Added support for Windows Mobile 2002 devices
* Support time localization (24 hour time)
* Initial support for QVGA devices
* Fix problem causing device to hang after switching to Facade and back again
* Fix problems with ActiveSync hanging and duplicating appointments
* Fix selected/unselected/heading format state processing
* Fix duplicate entry on multi-day appointment near end of list
* Fix left/right padding support for program launcher
* Fix missing adjacent recurring appointments
* Fix problem with tasks due today showing as overdue
* Fix problems which caused Facade to not update the appointment/task information
* Redesign schedule/task update notification
* Change formatting of schedule/task views to indent text
* Support format states in global section
* Support definitions within definitions
* Support x/y/w/h specifications for absolute positioning and size
* Support bgcolor (background color)
* Support bgimage (background image)
* Support fontWeight value "medium" and numeric font weights
* Shorten dates on past due tasks
* Show “…” when text won’t fit on the display
* Indent schedule/task information under date
* Add ShowPartialLines setting, allowing the bottom view row to be removed if it does not fit
* Add options for showing extra text in appointments view: ShowTodayText, ShowTomorrowText, ShowNoAppointmentsText
* Allow tab formatting to be controlled separately for each tab ( node)
* Allow view formatting to be controlled separately within each tab ( node)
* Support showing icon/label/both on tab (Show=)
* On button definitions, allow args= as synonym for arguments=
* Change default to not show completed tasks (ShowCompleted="0")
* Change default font size to new value "normal" (point size 9)
* Change default to "wrap around" screen edge when navigating left/right
Na první pohled se změnila velikost písma v základním nastavení a co je dobré konečně to podporuje 24 hodinový formát. Ostatně výčet všech vylepšení je podrobně vidět výše. Opravdu povedený projekt.