Instalace originální ROM se nezdaří ?
Stáhl jsem si oficiální ROM - RUU_Diamond_HKCSL_WWE_2.03.831.2_Radio_Signed_Diamond_52.44.25.24_1.08.25.20M1_Ship
Při instalaci kdy začnou načítat %, se to zastaví, restartuje se telefon a napiše to hlášku: ERROR (294) INVALID VENDER ID
Ví někdo co stím, jde to nějak obejít, nebo co potřebuji, abych tam novou ROM dostal ?? Děkuju moc za pomoc. :-(
Stáhl jsem si oficiální ROM - RUU_Diamond_HKCSL_WWE_2.03.831.2_Radio_Signed_Diamond_52.44.25.24_1.08.25.20M1_Ship
Při instalaci kdy začnou načítat %, se to zastaví, restartuje se telefon a napiše to hlášku: ERROR (294) INVALID VENDER ID
Ví někdo co stím, jde to nějak obejít, nebo co potřebuji, abych tam novou ROM dostal ?? Děkuju moc za pomoc. :-(
Mas hardspl? To muze vadit jestli jo. A nebo ji flashuj z Internal Memory, mam pocit ze ty novy ROMky nejdou flashnout primo
Může mi to prosím někdo přeložit ???
Update doesn't work at all / stops at 1%
Short answer: Your device is needs HardSPL. See links at bottom to get it, read on to understand the difference between Standard/Developer Edition!
Long answer:If your Diamond refuses to be updated completely, you're probably missing HardSPL. The SPL is the device's bootloader. It controls what can be flashed and what not. In order to flash anything not signed by HTC or your cell operator, you will need a "custom" version, called HardSPL.
There is two versions of HardSPL, the links are at the bottom, but please continue reading the next section before downloading.
Update doesn't work at all / stops at 1%
Short answer: Your device is needs HardSPL. See links at bottom to get it, read on to understand the difference between Standard/Developer Edition!
Long answer:If your Diamond refuses to be updated completely, you're probably missing HardSPL. The SPL is the device's bootloader. It controls what can be flashed and what not. In order to flash anything not signed by HTC or your cell operator, you will need a "custom" version, called HardSPL.
There is two versions of HardSPL, the links are at the bottom, but please continue reading the next section before downloading.
A stahl sis romku dle tveho ID kodu?Jestli ano a mas baterku nabitou ,musi to jit.Jinak ofic.romka 2.0. s CZ jeste nevysla:no:
tak to je ono,mas HTC pro cesky trh a pro nej jeste nova rom nevysla.Jestli tam chces dat jinou rom,musis pristroj odemknout,viz jine prispevky.
mas romku pro jiny region ,je to vzdy v cisle romky jesstli mas pristroj kupovany u nas tak musis mitt eu verzi coz je 401 nebo 479 jinak pro tu romku co mas musis odemcit telefon hardspl, cimz prichazis o zaruku.Na toto tema toho je na foru plno taak zkus hledat,pripadne kde je vse popsano.