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Problém s Active Syncem - chyba 85010014

vasekv_ce4you (36)|12.5.2006 17:17
Zdravím opět jsem tu.
Pořád mám problém s Active Syncem. Už jsem zkušel vše možné ale když připojím diář s Win mob. 5.0 - Asus 636 a i Fujitsu N560 tak mi ohlásí - Active Sync encourtered a problem on the destop. Support Code: 85010014. A nic nesynchronizuje. Taky je zajímavé že když připojím svůj starý diář HP 2210 s Win 2003 tak se bez problémů syncuje kompletně. Active Sync mám v angličtině verzi 4.1 a Windows jsou XP se Servis Packem 2.
Prováděl jsem reinstalaci Active synců, čistil jsem registry a už nevím.
Dělat celou reinstalaci počítače se mi moc nechce, je to ve firmě pracovní počítač... Když jsem na Microsoftu prohledal databázi tak jsem vyloučil vše co tam k tomuto problému nabízejí. Neshledal se s tímto problémem někdo? Určitě to bude jen nějaká blbost v nastavení. :-)
Surgical (2364)|12.5.2006 17:29
Oficialne ZDE

Jinak tez citace odjinud:

I found out something in regard to the 85010014 error:

When I upgraded 2003SE to mobile 5, I also upgraded Active Sync 3.8 to 4.0.
I the had the 85010014 error, like so many people.
I then stumbled upon the advice from someone from microsoft (in an obscure forum somewhere) to remove the current device (file->Delete mobile device).

I did that, and thought "What the heck, it's not working anyway" and thought to remove all devices from AS. Doing this, I ultimately removed 3 devices....
It then struck me that AS can have associations with only 2 devices... the 3rd was added after the Mobile 5/AS4 upgrade, because AS thought it was dealing with a new device, I guess. But apperently it also upgraded and kept the old devices AS 3.8 had (I had upgraded ROM on my iPaq once).

Removing all the devices, reconnecting the iPaq, recreating the association with the device in AS worked flawlessly... no more 85010014.

My guess is that many people will have the same problem; too many devices in AS. AS doesn't show you any device profile above the allowed 2 through file->Mobile device> ... so there's no way to know there's too many devices associated, unless you start deleting the lot...

Oh, yeah, all profiles will get lost this way, but it wasn't working to begin with....

Hope this helps someone else as well.
habrda (43)|25.5.2006 00:04
stejná chyba - po několika instalacich, odinstalacích, resetech, mazání registrů pomohlo prosté přepnutí Outlooku z režimu Offline do Online :disgusted: :disgusted:
karlic (707)|25.5.2006 04:50
Zkus se podivat, jestli mas spravne nastaveny proxy server v settings/connections/connections. Lepe je zadat jmenny tvar nez IP adresu, ale ve vysledku to byva jedno.